100 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series

100-hour ashtanga yoga teacher training in India designed for beginners level practitioners at yoga school Tattvaa Yogpeeth, Rishikesh.

Tattvaa Yogpeeth offers the opportunity for students to come and increase their training level and immerse themselves in their practice with the New to Ashtanga 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course. This course focuses on the fundamentals of the Ashtanga Primary series. It is ideal for those who are limited for time, are focused primarily on deepening their practice without necessarily the intention to teach, or for those who are looking for an intensive retreat to accelerate their personal yoga journey.

The course breaks down the Primary series in detail, covering the physics and energetics of each asana, the principles behind the sequence of asanas, and an in-depth study of each asana and transition. The course safely covers modifications and common alignment issues, as well as methods and tips to improve the overall practice. Important topics that will be taught during the study of Primary Series include the Vinyasa system of breath coordinated with movement, the practice of Bandhas (energy locks), and Dristhi (gazing points of concentration).

100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

This course is open to all levels of yogis, including complete beginners to the Ashtanga method. Regardless of the level of your practice, the course will teach you the fundamentals of the primary series and help you to develop a strong foundation upon which to build your teaching and practice. This course is also a great option for those who wish to complete their 200 hour training, but wish to build a stronger foundation before embarking on it. Students have the option to return for our 200 hour course whenever is convenient for them, and indeed many students decide to extend their stay and continue onto the 200 hour course straight away.

Daily Schedule

Activity Time
Kriyas 6:15-6:40 Am
Pranayama / Mantra Chanting 6:45-8:15 AM
Kriyas 6:15-6:40 Am
Pranayama / Mantra Chanting 6:45-8:15 AM
Kriyas 6:15-6:40 Am
Pranayama / Mantra Chanting 6:45-8:15 AM
Kriyas 6:15-6:40 Am
Pranayama / Mantra Chanting 6:45-8:15 AM

100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Studying Program

Asana Practice
  • Ashtanga Surya Namaskar - A, B, C
  • Ashtanga Standing Pose (Forward Bend, Side Stretch, Leg Stretch, Balance Poses)
  • Ashtanga Beginner Strength Pose (Forward Bend, Twisting, Abs Strength )
  • Ashtanga Finishing Pose (Back Bend, Upside Down, Cooling Pose)
  • Kapalabhati
  • Nadi Shodhana
  • Anuloma Viloma, * Spinal Breathing
  • Bhastrika, *Yogic Breathing
  • Ujjayi, *Sheetkari
  • Surya Bhedan, * Sheetali
  • Chandra Bhedan, * Bhramari
Yoga Meditation
  • Yoga Nidra (Psychic Sleep)
  • Yoga Cleansing (Shatkarma)
  • Yoga Bandhas (Energy Lock)
  • Mudras (Yoga Gestures)
  • Recitation of Sacred Sound (Mantra Chanting)
` Yoga Anatomy
    Structure of the body through bones and muscle
  • How to use anatomy to support poses
  • Yoga's effects on the body systems
  • Contraindications
  • Adjusting for injury
Yoga Philosophy
  • Yoga Sutra
  • Samadhi Pada
  • Sadhana Pada
  • Vibhuti Pada
  • Kaivalya Pada
  • Bhagwat Gita
Teaching Methodology
  • Foundation of Teaching
  • How to Prepear the Class
  • How to Design Teaching Plan
  • How to Instruct & Sequence
  • Verbal Cues and Safety
  • Adjustment Technique
  • Aliments Technique
  • Demonstrate Explain and Modification